About Us

The Infant Massage Information Service (IMIS) is Internationally accredited through IARC. IMIS is the biggest provider of infant massage training and has the largest membership base for infant massage instructors within Australia.

Established in 2000, we have been working to ensure individuals receive professional training with the most recent information on research and effective techniques.

We are acknowledged, endorsed and accredited by:

  • The International Accreditation and Recognition Council
  • The Australian Traditional Medicine Society
  • The Australian College of Midwives
  • Australian Natural Therapists Association
  • Midplus

Here to help
If we can be of assistance in providing information on baby massage techniques, recommendations, fact sheets, certificate training, or any other matter relating to massage for infants and children, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Our programs offer the most in-depth information available on massage and touch therapy for infants, pre-term infants, infants suffering from wind, colic, constipation and reflux.

News and upcoming events

Accreditation News

We have just been awarded International accreditation from the International Accreditation and Recognition Council (IARC). The application process was extremely thorough and we have been required to prove that we meet IARC standards in course content, delivery, assessment and administrative services. We are extremely proud of this newly acquired accreditation and look forward to ensuring this recognition benefits our students and members.

Mum's Say reviews

10 Mum's were asked to trial and review our Complete Baby Massage Pack and have raved about it.

 "I loved this product it arrived beautifully packaged and I first thought this would be a great gift for a newbie.   I really enjoy giving both my girls a massage after bath since they where born, but this pack taught me alot of great tips and tricks, and the oil was beautiful would really recommend this to anyone with a new bub, and would make a fantsic gift for the mum that has everything. Thanks for the opportunity my kids and I loved it."

See what others had to say at Mum's Say

Infant Massage Information Service – The biggest provider for Infant Massage training in Australia.

The Infant Massage Information Service is now the biggest provider for Infant Massage training within Australia. With more classes running each year and the highest membership numbers within the country, more and more people are making the choice to train with IMIS.

The Infant Massage Information Service is the only training provider within Australia that can provide the qualification of Paediatric Massage Consultant in addition to the Infant Massage Instructor Certificate.

The IMIS baby massage programs offer the most in depth information available on massage and touch therapy for pre-term infants, infants suffering from wind, colic, constipation, and reflux in addition to a complete unit of study dedicated to how to get started taking classes and appointments to utilize infant massage qualifications. With all this on offer, it is not surprising that students across the country are voting for the information service as the number one provider for infant massage training.

Upcoming classes: