Training can be completed via attendance at a group training or via a thorough correspondence study option. Both methods cover all units of study so it is just a matter of selecting which method suits your learning style and lifestyle best.
How does correspondence study work?
Your study materials are forwarded to you and you receive a suggested study guide from your trainer to help make your way through the program within your enrolment intake period.
The easy to follow Demonstrational DVD guides you through all your practical techniques. Your allocated trainer is available to support you as often as you need.
How will I be assessed if I study via correspondence instead of a group class?
If you are gaining certification via correspondence your assessments are sent to us via mail. Practical assessments recorded on a video camera and submitted on DVD or USB to IMIS for marking and reporting. The reports returned to you are extremely detailed to ensure that if there has been any misunderstanding in regards to demonstration or technique, that these are corrected prior to certification.
For students who complete Infant Massage Instructor Certificate training at a group class all assessment work is completed within their 3-day intensive.
Correspondence enrolment intakes
Positions are limited to 18 students per intake group. Enrolments now open for our current intake enrol now online to secure your position or contact our registrar, Jenny on 1300 558 608 extn 1606 to assist with questions and enrolment.
Training can be completed via attendance at a group training or via a thorough correspondence study option.
Click Here To Learn MoreWe offer two certificate qualifications for you to choose from.
Click Here To Learn MoreWe accept MasterCard, Visa, money order, internet transfer, Commonwealth Bank branch cash deposit, cheque or PayPal.
Click Here To Learn MoreWe have group training locations throughout Australia, in NSW, VIC, QLD and WA.
Click Here To Learn MoreIMIS offers ongoing to support to instructors and consultants once they are working and utilising their infant massage qualification.
Click Here To Learn MoreWe could not be prouder of the team of trainers we have on board to work with our students
Click Here To Learn More