

Increase parental confidence...

Research has found that caregivers felt more confident, less stressed, and felt a closer bond with their baby after learning infant massage. Learn more...

Early diagnosis of potential health issues.

In 1999 during an infant massage class, a Sydney mother discovered a painful lump in her daughter’s lower abdomen, not visible to the eye. On advice from the instructor, the mother took her daughter to the doctor and found out that the child had a detached ovary, which required urgent treatment. Find out how to gain certification...

"Massage helped with reflux, colic and relaxed my baby."
Sheridan & Carlo, Ringwood East, VIC

"I loved learning each new massage and so did my baby. Her reflux has improved so much that she is no longer on any medication (and my washing has gone down heaps too)! My only wish is that I had learnt massage sooner."
Anita, Strathmore, VIC

"Was good one on one time with my child. Keith has been diagnosed with autism this past December and we find the massage helps with calming and centering him."
Jeff, Heathmont, VIC


Various research studies on infant massage have shown that there is a significant reduction in overall crying time with infants and toddlers who receive massage.

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4 Session Parenting Course

Parent classes usually run over a four-week period, one session per week, with each class lasting for approximately 1-hour.

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1 Hour Introductory Sessions

These sessions were developed for parents who would like to know the basics of baby massage to get started.

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Instructor Listings

Before you start it is important to note that there are significant differences between massage for adults and massage for infants.

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